Books - Sources |
Hieratikon |
Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom |
Octoechos - Grave Mode. |
On Friday Morning |
Menaion - October 3 |
Memory of St. Dionysius the Areopagite |
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An optional alternative to the Antiphons are the Typika (Psalms 102 and 145), and the Beatitudes with the appointed troparia, which are provided here. |
Psalm 102. |
Psalm 145. |
The Beatitudes. |
Grave Mode. |
In Your kingdom. Remember us, O Lord, when You come in Your kingdom. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven [RSV] |
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. [RSV] |
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. [RSV] |
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. [RSV] |
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. [RSV] |
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. [RSV] |
Troparia. |
From Octoechos - - - |
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. [RSV] |
The fruit that killed me of old was good for food and beautiful to contemplate. But Christ is the very tree of life, from which I eat and die not. And echoing the Robber’s words, I cry out, “Remember me in Your kingdom, O Lord.” [SD] |
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. [RSV] |
In order to heal the wound that Adam * sustained at the counsel of the foe, * You let yourself be crucified, O King; * You let yourself be wounded: * Your hands and feet were pierced with nails. * Hence, O Word, we glorify * Your immense longsuffering. [SD] |
Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely [for my sake]. [RSV] |
A crowd of Jews gave You up to Romans, * and they had You crucified among * the outlaws, You the Giver of the Law * and the only Redeemer, * as You redeemed the human race * from all sin and lawlessness. * Therefore we extol You, O Christ. [SD] |
Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven. [RSV] |
For the Martyrs. |
The scars they bear from their many tortures * are like medals that decorate * the holy Martyr Athletes of the Lord. * And they are recognized as * the bright adornment of the Church, * as they ever intercede * with Christ on behalf of our souls. [SD] |
Glory. |
Deliver us, Your unworthy servants * who extol You, Holy Trinity. * Make us strong by the power of the Cross, * and guide on our journey * to the city that is on high. * And once we have entered it, * we hope to find mercy there. [SD] |
Both now. Stavrotheotokion. |
O Christ our God, when You had been lifted * on the tree of the Cross in the flesh, * Your all-pure Virgin Mother saw You there * bereft of form and beauty. * And in distress she cried aloud, * “Alas! How have lawless men * mutilated You, my Child?” [SD] |
Entrance Hymn. Mode 2. |
Come, let us worship and bow down before Christ. Save us, O Son of God, who are wondrous in the saints. We sing to You, Alleluia. |
Hymns after the Entrance. |
Apolytikion. For the Hieromartyr. |
Mode 4. |
Having learnt kindness, and being always steady and sober, vested with a good conscience as befits a priest, you drew out from the Chosen Vessel the secrets of God. And having kept the faith, you have finished the fair race, O Hieromartyr Dionysius. Intercede with Christ our God, entreating Him to save our souls. [SD] |
The Apolytikion of the parish church is sung. Then: |
Kontakion for the Day. For the Cross. |
Mode 4. Automelon. |
Ὁ ὑψωθεὶς ἐν τῷ Σταυρῷ. |
You who were lifted on the cross voluntarily, * O Christ our God, bestow Your tender compassions * upon Your new community to which You gave Your name. * Cause our faithful emperors to be glad in Your power, * granting them the victories against their adversaries. * And for an ally, Lord, may they have You, * peace as their armor, the trophy invincible. [SD] |
Trisagios Hymn |
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (3) |
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Both now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen. |
Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. |
Prokeimenon. Grave Mode. Psalm 149. |
The holy ones shall boast in glory. [SAAS] |
Verse: Sing to the Lord a new song. [SAAS] |
The Epistle |
For the Hieromartyr. |
The reading is from the Acts of the Apostles. |
Acts 17:16 – 34 |
In those days, while Paul was waiting for them in Athens, his spirit was provoked within him as he saw that the city was full of idols. So he argued in the synagogue with the Jews and the devout persons, and in the market place every day with those who chanced to be there. Some also of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers met him. And some said, “What would this babbler say?” Others said, “He seems to be a preacher of foreign divinities” — because he preached Jesus and the resurrection. And they took hold of him and brought him to the Areopagus, saying, “May we know what this new teaching is which you present? For you bring some strange things to our ears; we wish to know therefore what these things mean.” Now all the Athenians and the foreigners who lived there spent their time in nothing except telling or hearing something new. So Paul, standing in the middle of the Areopagus, said: “Men of Athens, I perceive that in every way you are very religious. For as I passed along, and observed the objects of your worship, I found also an altar with this inscription, ‘To an unknown god.’ What therefore you worship as unknown, this I proclaim to you. The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in shrines made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all men life and breath and everything. And he made from one every nation of men to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their habitation, that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel after him and find him. Yet he is not far from each one of us, for ‘In him we live and move and have our being’; as even some of your poets have said, ‘For we are indeed his offspring.’ Being then God’s offspring, we ought not to think that the Deity is like gold, or silver, or stone, a representation by the art and imagination of man. The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all men everywhere to repent, because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, and of this he has given assurance to all men by raising him from the dead.” Now when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked; but others said, “We will hear you again about this.” So Paul went out from among them. But some men joined him and believed, among them Dionysius the Areopagite and a woman named Damaris and others with them. [RSV] |
Alleluia. Mode pl. 2. Psalm 73. |
Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia. |
Verse 1: Remember Your congregation You acquired from the beginning. [SAAS] |
Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia. |
Verse 2: God is our King before the ages; He worked salvation in the midst of the earth. |
Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia. |
The Gospel |
Friday of the 2nd Week of Luke |
The reading is from the holy Gospel according to Luke. |
Lk. 6:17 – 23 |
At that time, Jesus stood on a level place, with a great crowd of his disciples and a great multitude of people from all Judea and Jerusalem and the seacoast of Tyre and Sidon, who came to hear him and to be healed of their diseases; and those who were troubled with unclean spirits were cured. And all the crowd sought to touch him, for power came forth from him and healed them all. And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said: “Blessed are you poor, for yours is the Kingdom of God. Blessed are you that hunger now, for you shall be satisfied. Blessed are you that weep now, for you shall laugh. Blessed are you when men hate you, and when they exclude you and revile you, and cast out your name as evil, on account of the Son of man! Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven.” [RSV] |
Hymn to the Theotokos. |
It is truly right to bless you, Theotokos, ever blessed, most pure, and Mother of our God. More honorable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, without corruption you gave birth to God the Logos. We magnify you, the true Theotokos. |
Communion Hymn. Psalm 73. |
You worked salvation in the midst of the earth, O Christ our God. Alleluia. [SAAS] |
Hymn after Holy Communion. |
Mode 2. |
We have seen the true light; we have received the heavenly Spirit; we have found the true faith, worshiping the undivided Trinity, for the Trinity has saved us. |
Glory to You, our God, glory to You. |
May Christ our true God, through the intercessions of His all-pure and all-immaculate holy Mother, the power of the precious and life-giving Cross, the protection of the honorable, bodiless powers of heaven, the supplications of the honorable, glorious prophet and forerunner John the Baptist, of the holy, glorious, and praiseworthy apostles, of the holy, glorious, and triumphant martyrs, of our righteous and God-bearing fathers, (local patron saint); of the holy and righteous ancestors of God Joachim and Anna, and the holy and glorious hieromartyr Dionysius the Areopagite, whose memory we observe, and of all the saints, have mercy on us and save us, as He is good, benevolent, and merciful God. |
Fasting Rule |
Strict: Refrain from meat, fish, oil, dairy, and eggs. |
It is a Wednesday or Friday. |